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Picture displays the environmental and social score for all models in its collection. Verified by Clear Fashion.

Since 2024, we have been collaborating with Clear Fashion to provide environmental and social labeling for our products. It’s not exactly like the A-to-E ratings you’re familiar with on refrigerators, but it’s a similar concept!

The big difference—though things are moving quickly behind the scenes—is that it’s not yet a regulatory requirement to display product scores in the textile industry. If Picture has chosen to do this alongside other forward-thinking brands, it’s simply because we believe this transparency is the right thing to do, and we look forward to it becoming a regulatory requirement for the entire industry.

This is actually the hot topic as we approach the end of 2024: which calculation methodology will be adopted? Will it be the one that truly penalizes fast fashion and its XX collections per year? Or the one that focuses on more "traditional" (insufficient) aspects like materials? We recommend following En Mode Climat to stay informed.

Who is Clear Fashion?

Clear Fashion has developed an evaluation methodology built with the help of a committee of experts and independent research laboratories. It assesses the impact of clothing based on four key themes: the environment, human rights, health, and animal welfare. Taking into account over 150 criteria, the Clear Fashion methodology provides a scientific, rigorous, and independent analysis of the impact of clothing.

This information is available through two tools: the Clear Fashion app, which is the most reliable and comprehensive source of information to learn about and take action for a more transparent and responsible fashion industry! Nearly 500 brands are evaluated, and the app has been downloaded by almost 300,000 consumers. In addition, there are display solutions directly on the garments or on the brands' e-shops, allowing consumers to quickly learn about their origins and impacts.

Brand and Product Evaluation Methodology

The Clear Fashion evaluation methodology is based on the analysis of 150 reliable and factual criteria, covering the entire production chain of the garment: from raw materials to distribution and consumption, including transformation processes. This methodology addresses key issues in the sector, not only environmental impact but also other crucial topics such as human rights, health, and animal welfare.

A robust evaluation framework was developed by a team of R&D engineers and then validated by a committee of experts, researchers, and recognized independent professionals in the field.

Data Verification

"Clear Fashion analyzes and verifies data on the origin and impact of products through proof documents provided by brands like Picture. This verification system, carried out by an independent trusted third party, ensures the reliability of the displayed information, with no risk of greenwashing.

Regulatory Perspective: AGEC (French law)

As mentioned, displaying a rating is not mandatory. However, the decree of April 29, 2022, under Article 13 of the AGEC law, requires the display of information related to product traceability and its environmental characteristics for consumers. Therefore, on each of our product pages, you will find information about the garment's production locations as well as its environmental characteristics, such as recyclability or the presence of recycled materials.

Display of Ratings

You can find the Fashion Score on each of our product pages, allowing you to learn about their impact on the environment, social factors, health, and animals. The displayed information includes an overall score for the garment out of 100, as well as scores for each of the four categories (100-80: Excellent / 80-60: Very Good / 60-40: Good). Additionally, the evaluation criteria that have the greatest weight on the score are highlighted.

What are the scores for Picture?

We can distinguish between the brand's score (currently being updated), product scores, and collection scores. The most recent score pertains to the Fall-Winter 2024-2025 collection, with an average of 79/100, broken down as follows:

It's 38% above the average of brands rated by Clear Fashion (about 300 clothing brands from all sectors)

Source: Clear Fashion

How are we positioned compared to other audited brands? Source: Clear Fashion

What types of practices lead to "good scores"?

  • Our rate of recycled / organic / circular materials is very high (80%+)

  • These materials are certified (GOTS, GRS, Bluesign Approved Fabrics, etc.)

  • The entire supply chain is traceable (from assembling to tiers 2,3,4)

  • Air transport is banned between the production site and the storage location

  • The assembly factory undergoes social audits

  • The assembly factory or earlier stages have measures in place to reduce water and energy usage

  • The product is guaranteed, repairable, and available for rental

And of course, it's easier when you don't have 5, 10, or 20 collections per year! Which is our case, with 'only' 2 collections annually.

Next steps

The widget (online scores) will now be displayed for all textile products on our website. A rollout is also planned for 2025 for all independent online stores that sell Picture products. We’ll keep you updated on the scores for the Spring/Summer 2025 collection.

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